Does Television Exposure Provoke ADHD Behaviors?

Referring back to my article of July 24, 2006, I invited my readers to join with me in the quest for information found in pediatric medical literature. I have summarized several of these journal articles for your benefit and encourage you to read the complete work.
In PEDIATRICS Volume 117, Number 3, March 2006 is found a good article from the Department of Educational Psychology Leadership of Texas Tech University. It shows that there is no meaningful relationship between television exposure and symptoms of ADHD.
No statistical significance was found between kindergarten-age patient’s exposure to television and the emergence of ADHD symptoms in first grade.
There are many causes of ADHD behavior. The following are but a few: broken families, home stress, learning disabilities, physical impairment, mental retardation. Autism, Aspergers Syndrome, abuse and of course primary ADHD.
Although I favor limiting television and video game exposure, it appears that watching television was not implicated in this study.
What does this mean? If confronted by ADHD behavior, look elsewhere for the cause. Remember, most causes of ADHD behavior are not of the primary type. Thus, the causes are not remedial to medication. Treat the cause, not the symptoms.