Children and teens with ADHD have varying needs for control of symptoms throughout their day.


The development of the methylphenidate transdermal patch, Daytrana, Shire Pharmaceuticals, has been a great advance in improved coverage and control of ADHD symptoms. The dose of this methylphenidate patch was studied in a recent Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 47:6, June 2008. The Daytrana patch was studied over a five week period using the 10, 15, 20, or 30 mg patch. It was worn for nine hours, the recommended period of time. The onset of the efficacy of the patch appeared to be approximately two hours. The positive medication effects were noted over a wear time of 2-to-12 hours, with a recommended nine hour wear time. ADHD symptoms appear to return 2-to-4 hours after the patch is removed.

Side effects of the patch were generally mild to moderate. Most included headache, decreased appetite, insomnia, and stomach pain.


There was some itchiness at the patch site. Improved understanding of this new mechanism of methylphenidate delivery is a great improvement in the treatment options for ADHD. Talk to your pediatrician if you have other questions.