The latest issue of The American Academy of Pediatrics Grand Rounds contained two articles that are important in keeping parents informed.


J.W. Antoon et al published an article entitled “Influenza Associated Neurologic Complications in Children”. It was reviewed in the October 2021 issue of Grand Rounds and showed that neurologic complications are common in children who contracted influenza. Remember, this is influenza—not COVID. With all the emphasis on COVID and immunizations for the corona virus let us not forget the need for flu shots this winter.


A neurologic complication of influenza, i.e. encephalitis, can be devastating to the child. Such complications were the same for both type A or B influenza.


As I am sure you realize the vaccine for COVID-19 does not protect against type A or B influenza. Be sure that your child gets the flu vaccine.


Another interesting article was reviewed in the same issue of Grand Rounds, on page 40. The author Albaugh, M.D. et al showed the use of cannabis during adolescence was associated with altered neuro development.


The article was reviewed by Benjamin Doolittle, M.D., F.A.A.P., F.A.C.P. of Yale University School of Medicine. In his conclusion of the review he stated that use of marijuana among teens is associated with cortical thinning of the brain and increased impulsiveness. Neither of these are beneficial to the teen.


Because the state feels cannabis should be sold for recreational use it does not mean the teen and young adult are not at risk if they use it. We must use caution in allowing its use in humans with developing nervous systems.


Bottom line: 1. Be sure your child gets a flu shot. 2. Advise your teen that use of marijuana is not without risk to the developing nervous system.


It is interesting to me that we do things to our brain and nervous system that we would never do to our I-phone, computer or X Box. We seem to forget that our brain is more valuable to us than any of these electronic devices. Let’s not only be informed parents but intelligent parents. A damaged nervous system is not easily repaired and cannot be replaced by a Best Buy purchase. No one said parenting is easy.