Whats up, doc?

February 2023
by Huan Huang, B.D.. et al.
Has answered a much debated question in the management of patients with ADHD. Parents are justifiably always pursuing a management modality outside of medication to help control the signs and symptoms of primary ADHD.
I have heard from parents many times how exercise has helped to control the impulsivity, lack of focus and executive function of their ADHD child. These authors, in this article, have shown that there are minimal beneficial effects in controlling the core symptoms of ADHD.
Don’t get me wrong. I believe exercise is better than sitting in front of a screen all day, playing video games. But exercise cannot take the place of appropriate medication.
Too many parents, unfortunately, refuse the use of medication to help their child fit into their social world. The destructive effect of untreated primary ADHD to a child’s academic and social world is enormous. Experience tells me that the side effects of these medications pale in significance to the benefits that the child gains by using them.
On the other hand, the use of these medications to enhance a child’s academic or sports performance is foolish. The literature supports the fact that they do neither in the non-ADHD child.
It’s time for parents of ADHD children to wake up and discard their unfounded prejudice against ADHD medications. Be an informed parent and open the door to success that your child will experience when you control his or her signs and symptoms of ADHD which are truly holding them back.