Whats up, doc?

October 2023
It appears, as parents, we have done it again!
Please refer to the article Toxic Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) Dose in Pediatric Cannabis Edible Ingestions by Lesley C. Pepin, M.D, et al that appeared in PEDIATRICS, Vol 152, Nu. 3, September 2023.
The authors have found it necessary to write an article correlating the amount of THC ingested by children under the age of six years, and the toxic effects in relation to severity and duration of said ingestion.
The study reported on 80 children under age six years. Yes folks, 80 children!
That is not a small number. These involved edible THC; i.e. brownies, jelly beans, etc. How much more desirable could this cannabis be? Sweets laced with cannabis is playing right into the hands or, should I say, mouths of pre-first graders.
This article was clinically helpful in managing such patients.
But the point is, why were these “treats” left out and available for the little innocent humans? Come on folks, use your heads. Maybe if you did these things would not be left about the house for little hands to find them.
As parents, if you want to self-medicate with drugs that is your lookout. But the little children, use you heads.
Not long ago we saw a large number of aspirin and iron tablet ingestions. We still see blood pressure medication snatched from Grandma’s purse. But the cannabis preparations are in the form of sweet treats. We are supposed to have more smarts and love for our little ones. If these children were given such treats by adults, that becomes child abuse and should be handled by protective services.
We should thank the authors for 1) giving us the data needed to manage such ingestions 2) informing us that 80 children under age six years needed care for cannabis ingestion.
I plead with you, do not just be informed parents. But be parents who really care for your children. Abusing yourself is one thing. Abusing your offspring is shameful. As they say, “Come on Man, wake up”.