June 1, 2020
Marijuana and Our Children
What have we learned with the effects of marijuana use? The following table reprinted from PEDIATRICS IN REVIEW, February 2020, pg. 61, best summarizes the adverse effects of marijuana use. As you can see it is not innocuous in either the short or long term usage. We are Adolescent, Chest & Lungs, Developmental, Disorders and Disabilities, Ear, Nose & Throat, Education
May 1, 2020
Postural Proteinuria…No Big Deal
Small amount of protein in one’s urine does not necessarily give a call for alarm. Brett was coming in for his high school physical.Because of the covid-19 (coronavirus)shutdownboth parents were able to come with him. He was going to be a junior in the fall and was hoping to Abdominal / Gastronintestinal, Education, Genitourinary, Sports
April 1, 2020
Stimulants and Academic Achievement
My child is so nervous before taking an examination. But when he takes a stimulant before, the grades come out much better. Should this be a problem? It has been clearly shown that the use of stimulants by non-ADD college age and high-school students does not enhance academic Discipline, Education, Family Life
February 18, 2020
Teeth and Infants
Mrs. X brought her daughter to see me for a sick visit,thinking she might have an ear infection. I had seen her two weeks ago for her 9 month well-check.She was doing just fine in regard to her growth and development. For the past few days Briana had been Education, Fever, Infant, Infant Issues