September 10, 2018
What’s up, doc?
Eighteen-month-olds who pass screening for autism spectrum disorder may later be diagnosed with ASD. CLINICAL FEATURES OF CHILDREN WITH AUTISM WHO PASSED 18-MONTH SCREENING by Roald A. Oien, MA, et al. Pediatrics, vol. 141 nu. 6, June 2018, article 23 This is a good article showing that screening for Developmental, Education, Elementary, Family Life, Infant, Infant Issues, Preschool
August 1, 2018
What Is Intussusception?
My baby is constipated, exhibits pain in his abdomen, and looks pale to me. Can I give him a laxative? One recent night when I was on call I received a phone call from a mom regarding her one year old son. With no sense of urgency in her Abdominal / Gastronintestinal, Ear, Nose & Throat, Genitourinary, Infant, Infant Issues
July 1, 2018
Another Look At Fever
For years I have been speaking and writing about fever and, in most instances, the fact is that fever is our best friend in fighting infections. Yet the drama of fever goes on. ACETAMINOPHEN POISONING Ariella Nadler, M.D. and Daniel M. Fein, M.D.. Pediatrics in Review, June 2018, Vol. Abdominal / Gastronintestinal, Adolescent, Central Nervous System, Elementary, Family Life, Fever, Infant, Infant Issues, Preschool
June 5, 2018
No, It’s Not ADD!
She had all the symptoms of classic ADD, but something else was provoking her demeanor. Niki is a 9-year-old third grader that I have had the pleasure of taking care of since she was born. I have watched her grow and mature into a bright young girl who is Adolescent, Developmental, Disorders and Disabilities, Education, Elementary, Family Life
May 3, 2018
What’s up, doc?
Addressing effect E-cigarettes have on fetus. Risk to infants with maternal vaccinations. Concern that pandemic influenza vaccination is associated with epilepsy. E-CIGARETTES: EFFECTS ON THE FETUS Nan Jiang, PhD, et al.. Pediatrics in Review, March 2018, page 156 The bottom line in this article is the statement that Adolescent, Central Nervous System, Chest & Lungs, Ear, Nose & Throat, Education, Elementary, Family Life, Infant