January 1, 2023
Optic Neuritis
Recently I had a follow-up visit with a 19-year-old male who had just seen an Ophthalmologist for his annual exam. He had been having pain when moving his eyes from side-to-side. After a thorough eye exam he was told it was probably related to sinus or allergy issues and Allergies, Chest & Lungs, Ear, Nose & Throat, Eyes
December 1, 2022
My last column “Inform – Don’t Terrify” November 2022, instructed parents to inform their children and, at the same time, to instill hope for their future. How is this to be done in addition to parental education? The schools have an obligation to teach history. As a society the Education, Family Life
November 1, 2022
Inform – Don’t Terrify
I am deviating from my usual column “What’s Up, Doc” because I am seeing a very disturbing, unintended trend in parent behavior. You, as a parent, work hard to stay informed in order to educate your children. You want to be sure they are aware of facts that are Developmental, Education, Family Life