November 15, 2017
Why We Give Vitamin K To Newborns
That seems a shame to give a brand new baby a shot right after he is born. Or is it? I was finishing a busy day in the office when a nurse from the hospital labor and delivery gave me a call. She informed me that a patient of Infant, Infant Issues
November 1, 2017
What’s Up Doc?
We are still searching for the cause of autism. / Flavored electronic cigarettes can result in greater cigarette smoking by our youth. RISK OF AUTISM ASSOCIATED WITH HYPERBILIRUBINEMIA AND PHOTOTHERAPY By Yvonne W. Wu, MD, MPH etc. . Pediatrics, Vol. 138 Nu. 4, Oct. 2016:e20161813 We must thank these Adolescent, Central Nervous System, Chest & Lungs, Ear, Nose & Throat, Elementary, Family Life
October 1, 2017
What’s Up Doc?
Soccer-related injuries are on the increase. There is a need for increased efforts to prevent these injuries…. Music therapy for preterm infants and their parents has been confirmed favorably on infant respiratory rate and maternal anxiety. SOCCER-RELATED INJURIES TREATED IN EMERGENCY DEPARTMENTS: 1990-2014. by Nicholas A. Smith, etc. Pediatrics, Adolescent, Elementary, Musculoskeletal, Sports
June 14, 2010
Autism Study on Vaccines Retracted
It seems that retractions of sensational articles never appear on the front page of the media that heralded the original announcement. That is exactly what happened with the retraction notice for the article originally attempting to link autism with the MMR vaccine. The Los Angeles TIMES placed the following Adolescent, Developmental, Disorders and Disabilities, Education, Elementary, Family Life, Infant, Infant Issues, Preschool